Sew two Color 2 2-3/8" half square triangles right
sides together to two Color 3 hsts of the same size, using a 1/4" seam, making two half squares. Press to darker side. These
measure 2" . Now sew a Color 3 hst to the top and
another to the left of these half squares. Press towards newly added
triangles. Add a Color 2 3-7/8" half square triangle to each of
these pieced triangles. Press towards larger triangles. Next sew a
Color 2 2" square to one end of two Color 3 rectangles.
Press towards the rectangle. Sew the last two rectangles to the right
sides of the blue square pieced units.
Press towards the rectangle. Add the rectangles-plus-square
unit to the tops...on to Page 2!