** Preparing the
Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |
Cut the Color 1 4-7/8" x 19-1/2" strip
into four 4-7/8" squares. Stack and cut these in half on the
diagonal to make eight half square triangles... |
Cut the Color 2 9-1/4" square in half on
both diagonals to make four quarter square triangles... |
Now cut the Color 2 4-1/2" x 18"
strip into four 4-1/2" squares... |
Using the template provided, cut four Color 2
trapezoids from the Color 2 3" x 31" strip... |
Mark points 1/4" in from the top and sides on the
back of the Color 1 4-1/2" square in all corners. Sew
this square right sides together to the short side of a Color 2 trap
between the 1/4" marks, backstitching at beginning and end of
the seam. Repeat this with another trap on the bottom of the
square... |
The repeat again with the two remaining traps on the
other sides of the square... |
Now fold this unit right sides together along the
diagonal as shown at left and stitch from the inner points to the
outsides of the unit, backstitching at the beginning of the seam
lines. Do this for all four un-sewn seams... |
To make the four flying geese units, sew the Color 1
half square triangles to the Color 2 quarter square triangles. press
seams to dark sides...
...on to Page 2! |
Mar 1 2004 Marcia Hohn |

Traditional Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |