This makes a 10" block!

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Here's a diamond template, if you'd prefer to do it that way!

or paper piecing of the pieced diamond sections here, if you'd prefer!

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** 

Start by cutting the Color 2  6-1/4" square in half on both diagonals to make four quarter square triangles...

Sew the Color 1 and Color 3 1-3/4" x 30" strips right sides together along one long edge. Press seam to darker side. Using an acrylic ruler with a 45 degree line, cut off the left hand corner leaving a 45 degree edge. Now mark and cut the remainder of the strip into eight 3-1/4" wide pieced diamond units...

 Sew pairs of diamond sections right sides together, pressing seam to one side. Make four units like this...

Sew a Color 2 quarter square triangle to the left end of each pieced diamond unit...

Now mark the Color 1  5-1/2" square on the 1/4" seam line in each corner, on the back side of the square. Sew a diamond and triangle unit to the top of the square between the markings, backstitching at beginning and end of the seam. Repeat this with the other pieced units, sewing one to each side, between the markings only...on to Page 2!

Aug 21 2004 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block