** Preparing the Pieces
and Sewing the Block ** |
Stack the Color 1 and Color 2 5-1/4" squares and cut once
on both diagonals to make four quarter square triangles of each. You
will only need TWO of each for each block, so save the others for
another block or project...*TIP: Dessa
says you might like to spray starch the squares before cutting to keep
the bias edges stable during cutting and sewing :o)
Using the template provided above cut one signature strip from the
Color 3 strip...
Sew the quarter square triangles right sides together in pairs as
shown at left, using a 1/4" seam Press seam to the darker
side. Make two of these units...
Sew the signature strip between the two pieced corner triangles,
matching the center points before stitching. That's all there is to
this one! Have folks sign this with a fabric pen :o)
Dessa's! Lisa's!
No Quilt to Show of this one...just use it for any
signature quilt or pillow or banner or whatever floats your boat!
Happy Quilting Folks!
Marcia :o)
now ...on to Page 2 for Supplies Needed!
August 9 2006 Marcia Hohn |

Traditional Block |