3 Blocks x 4 Blocks with a 2" border makes
a perfect Project Linus Quilt Sized Quilt!
** Preparing the
Pieces and Sewing the Block **
Sew the Color 1, 2 and 3 2-1/2" x 26"
strips right sides together along the long edges as shown at top
left, using a scant 1/4" seam allowance. Press seams to darker
sides. Mark and cut this at 6-1/2" intervals...
Now rotate the units and sew them together as shown at
left. Make two horizontal rows, pressing row seams in opposing
directions. Sew the rows together, and it's all done!
Here's one sample layout, using nine blocks as we
made them above. You'll find there are MANY different layouts
possible though, by alternating the order in which your strips are
sewn together, adding extra colors etc. This is a great one to plan
out on graph paper!