The first thing that I would
recommend that you do, is go to the Practice
Paper Piecing Page. When you feel comfy with paper
piecing, come on back and try a Pumpkin Block! You will need to print out
one copy of each template page per block you want to make on very
lightweight paper. Fat Quarters will be plenty! |

Once all your units are paper pieced, join them as shown at left.
Remove the paper backing...
Cut one 6-1/2" square, and one 6-7/8" square of your pumpkin
block background fabric. Cut theses in half once on the diagonal to
make two half square triangles of each. Sew the two 6-1/2"
triangles to the pumpkin block's top and bottom edges, using as
always, a scant 1/4" seam Press seams towards triangles. Sew the
remaining two half square triangles to the Pumpkin's left and right,
again pressing towards triangles...
Sept 25 2002 Marcia Hohn |

Original Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |
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