This makes a 15" block and is paper piecing!

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  Click here for Template A 

Click here for Template B 

   Click here for Template C   

  Click here for Template D

The first thing that I would recommend that you do, is go to the Practice Paper Piecing Page.  When you feel comfy with paper piecing, come on back and try the Pineapple Block! You will need to print out one copy of each of the units per block you want to make on very lightweight paper, and tape the four units together along the lines indicated to make one large (15") block.  A Fat quarter of each fabric is more than plenty!

After taping the four quadrants together, follow the numbering sequence at left for piecing the block...

For those of you who would prefer to piece this in the traditional way CLICK HERE for  regular templates Aand  reg. templates B


This makes a Breathtaking block!  You can add row after row to one center unit until you get it the size you want for a quilt, or you can make a quilt as shown at left by making blocks! One block makes an awesome front to a quilted tote bag! Make a line of four or five blocks and add points to the ends and pipe the edges, add tassels = table runner!

Happy Quilting !

Marcia :o)

Here's Linda's!  Gwen's!  Mary's!   Stephanie's!  Virginia's!

Click here for a Photo Shoot of the block being made!  Patricia's!

To the Patterns  or  The Quilter's Cache

Nov1999 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block