** Preparing the
Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |
Using the template provided, cut eight light and eight
dark trapezoids from the 2" x 10" strips. I show two cut
from each of eight fabrics, though yours could be all different if
you prefer... |
Cut eight 2-7/8" squares each in half once
on the diagonal to make half square triangles. You only need ONE of
each color per block. I used the same eight colors as used for the
traps... |
For each quarter of the block sew a half square
triangle right sides together to the shorter long edge of a
trapezoid , starting at a point 1/4" in from the edge of the
triangle. Take an extra stitch at the beginning of that seam to
secure it. Now add the next trapezoid to the left, again starting at
the same 1/4" point, and again reinforcing with and extra
stitch at the beginning. Now fold this in half right sides together
to line up the corner un-sewn seam, and stitch from the inner point
to the outside, again reinforcing at the beginning. Do this same
thing with all traps and triangles... |
Sew together pairs of the previously made units using
the standard 1/4" seam. This should now measure
...on to Page 2! |
Jan 4 2005 Marcia Hohn |

Traditional Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |