** Preparing the Pieces
and Sewing the Block ** |
First crease your Color 2 12" square in both
directions to find the exact center. Then using a compass, or method
of your choosing, draw an 8-1/2" circle on your Color 2 fabric.
Cut this out...
You will also need an 8-1/2" circle of lightweight
interfacing, not shown here in it's cutting process!
Sew the interfacing circle to the right side of the Moon all the way
around, using a 1/4" seam allowance. With sharp scissors, slit the
interfacing (only) to make a hole large enough to turn the Moon unit
right sides out. Press well...
Now crease the Color 1 12-1/2" square in both directions
lightly to find the center. Center your Moon unit over the square
center and pin in place. Hand or invisible machine appliqué the moon
to the background square using thread to match the Moon... |
Next pin on, then hand or invisible machine appliqué the
to the background square, over the moon, turning under 1/4" edges
on the "Mountain sides", and using thread to match the
Mountain...and it's done! ...on to Page
2! |
March 21 2003 Marcia Hohn |

Traditional Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |