
Start with two squares, one light and one dark, 1-1/2" larger
than you want your FINISHED nine patch to be. Stack the squares
right sides together with the light square on top and all edges
aligned. Sew a scant 1/4" seam on the left and right. (Fig B)
Cut this apart vertically into three equal sections. (Fig C) This
will give you two pieced sections and two single strips. (Fig D)... |

Sew the dark single strip to the light side of a pieced unit
(Fig E)...and a light single strip to the dark side of a pieced unit
( Fig F)... |

After pressing all seams to the dark side, stack the two pieced
units with the strips horizontally. Again sew a scant
1/4" seam on the right and left. (Fig G) This will give you two
pieced double wide units and two pieced single wide units. (Fig
H)... |

Sew the light/dark/light to a dark/light/dark side...and a
dark/light/dark to a light/dark/light side....and you just made two
Nine Patches at once! |