to Quilt One Block at a Time-Pg 2 |

Stack all three layers (Right side of block facing UP;
Right side of back block or backing facing DOWN) and baste around
the edges and diagonally using big stitches...

Do your machine or hand quilting, leaving 1/2"
to1" near the edges UN-quilted. Then remove the basting... |

Now cut one strip 1-3/4" x width of block, and
one strip 1-1/8" x width of block. Fold and Press the 1-3/4" strip
wrong sides together in half lengthwise... |

Pin the 1-1/8" (UNfolded) strip right
sides together with raw edges aligned to the right edge of the top
block ...now flip this whole thing over and... |

Now pin the FOLDED strip to the right edge of the back
block with raw edges aligned (same edge the strip is pinned onto on
the other side!)... |
Stitch a 1/4" seam through ALL thicknesses... |
Jan 5th 2006 Marcia Hohn |
http://www.quilterscache.com |
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