This makes a 12" block!

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**Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block**

First cut the Color 1 4-1/2" x 13-1/2" strip into three 4-1/2" squares...

Then cut the Color 1 4-7/8" x 14-5/8" strip into three 4-7/8" squares, and stack and cut these once on the diagonal using a rotary cutter and mat...

Now cut one of  the Color 3  2-7/8" x 5-3/4" strips into two 2-7/8" squares, and stack and cut those on the diagonal. Then cut one of the Color 2  2-7/8" x 11-1/2" strips into four 2-7/8" squares, and bisect those diagonally as well...

Let's speed piece the small half squares first, by stacking first a Color 1  2-7/8" x 5-3/4" strip atop a Color 2 strip of the same size, right sides together and all edges aligned. Mark the 2-7/8" square line and mark the diagonals as well. Sew a SCANT  1/4" above and below the marked diagonals, pivoting at the square line. Cut apart ON the marked diagonals, and also at the 2-7/8" square marks. This will give you four Color 1/Color 2 combos. Now do the same with the remaining Color 1 and Color 3  2-7/8" square, to get two Color 1/Color3 combos. Press seam allowances towards darker fabrics...


Now we will make the pieced triangle units, starting with a Color 1/Color3 combo unit from the step above. Sew a Color 2 triangle to the top, using a scant 1/4" seam, and pressing seam towards triangle. Sew another Color 2 triangle to the adjacent side as shown, again press seam towards triangle. Make one more of these units...

...on to Page 2!

Oct 1999 Marcia Hohn   :o)

Traditional Block