This makes a 6"
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and is my
rendition of Block A5 from the Jane Stickle Quilt. If you are unfamiliar with this quilt, I
urge you to go to http://www.dearjane.com
to see the quilt, and read about this wonderful woman!! |
** Preparing the
Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |
First mark and cut the Color
1 2-1/2" x 12-1/2" strip into five 2-1/2"
squares... |
Next mark and cut the Color 1 3"
x 10" strip into eight 1-1/2" x 2-1/2" rectangles... |
Now mark and cut the Color 2 3"
x 12" strip into sixteen 1-1/2" squares... |
Place a small Color 2 square
atop the left end of a Color 1 rectangle, right sides together
and with all edges aligned. On the back of the small square, lightly
mark the diagonal, and sew ON this marked line. Cut off the excess
seam allowance, leaving 1/4". Press the seam towards the inner
triangle. Repeat this with another small square on the other end of
the rectangle. Make eight of these units... |
Now sew the flying geese units together in
pairs, using as always a SCANT 1/4" seam. Make four units. Press
seams towards the upper goose unit... |
Then sew the units together to
make rows, and join the rows to make the block. On the top and
bottom rows, press the seams towards the outer units. On the middle
row, press the seams towards the center square. When joining rows
press seams in alternating directions...and You Are DONE! :o)
...on to
June 21 2001 Marcia Hohn |

Traditional Block |
pattern from http://www.quilterscache.com |