This makes a 12" block!

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** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **

Start by marking and cutting the Color 1  3-1/2" x 14" strip into four 3-1/2" squares...

Next, mark and cut the Color 3  7" x 14" strip into eight 3-1/2" squares... 

Now sew together the Color 2 and Color 3  2" x 20" strips along one long edge. Press seams towards darker fabric. Cut at 2" intervals to make eight pieced units...

Flip the previously made units and sew together to make four-patch units. You need four. Trim these back to be 3-1/2" square if needed...
Now sew two larger four-patch units using the Color 1 and Color 3  3-1/2" squares. Trim these back to be 6-1/2" square if needed...

Then sew  four four-patch units  using the smaller four-patches and the remaining Color 3  3-1/2" squares. Trim these back to be 6-1/2" square if needed...on to Page 2!

 May 2 2002 Marcia Hohn

Traditional  Block

pattern from