This makes a 10" block, a.k.a."Britches" !

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** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** 

Using the template provided cut four pant legs and four more in reverse from the Color 1  8" x 27" rectangle...

 From the Color 2  6" x 16" rectangle cut four small squares, one large square and four triangles...

 Sew four pairs of the pant legs together in a seam starting at the inner edge and sewing to a point 1/4" from the corner edge. Backstitch at that point...

Now place a small Color 2 square right sides together with a pair of pants, with its top edge aligned with the left open corner edge. Sew from the outside to a point 1/4" from the edge of the top square. Back stitch. Fold and pivot the pants unit right sides together to line up the remaining un-sewn edge of the Color 2 square with the right open corner edge. Stitch from the point where we just left off to the outer edge of the unit. Make four units like this...

Sew Color 2 triangles to the right and bottom of two of the pants units...

...on to Page 2!

Aug. 17 2003 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block