Let's try a 12" Bow Tie Block! I picked this pattern for a couple of reasons ...

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One, because my  husband looked so great in his bow tie at the wedding!!... (an awesome teal gilded fabric) ...and two... I had a request to do this one!!

Click here for the templates!

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **

First, using your Color one strip, lay out, mark, and then cut out two pentagons and one square...

Then, using your Color 2 strip, lay out, mark and cut out two pentagons...
=         Start by sewing one cut off side of a color one pentagon to one side of the square from a point within ¼" of square edge to within¼" of the opposite edge, as shown ...right sides together, using a scant   1/4" seam. Press seam towards pentagon...
Then sew on the remaining pentagon, again with right sides together, and sewing from within 1/4"  of either edge of the square. Press seam towards pentagon...

...on to Page 2!



Page 3

Traditional Block