Betty's Delight - Page 2

Sew a Color 1 trapezoid to the right edge, right sides together, of a Color 2 half square triangle. Press seam towards the dark side. Sew a Color 1  2" square to the square end of a reverse Color 1 trap. Press seam towards the dark side. Sew the square and trap unit to the bottom of the triangle unit, also pressing that seam towards the dark. Make four more Dark Units like this...


Now make four Light Units following the above same steps, but with reverse color pieces, and pressing seams to the light side instead...


Next sew a Dark Unit and a Light Unit together. Make four units like that...


Sew pairs of the above units together. Join the new half-blocks to complete the Betty's Delight block!...on to Page 3!



 Sept 26 2004 Marcia Hohn

Page 1

Traditional Block