This makes a 14" block!...and a Nice and Easy one to boot!

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** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **

First  cut the Color 1  2-1/2" x 18" strips into four 2-1/2" x 4-1/2" rectangles...



Next cut the Color 2  2-1/2" x 22" strip into nine 2-1/2" squares...


Then speed piece the large and small half squares, by stacking, right sides together the Color 1 and Color 2  4-7/8" x 9-3/4" strips, and the Color 1 and Color 2  2-7/8" x 23" strips. On the back of the top strip, of the large set first, mark the 4-7/8" square line, and mark the diagonal lines as shown. On the small strip set, mark the 2-7/8" square lines, and then the diagonals as shown. Now sew a SCANT 1/4" above and below the marked diagonals, pivoting at the square line (s) Cut apart on the square lines, and one the diagonal lines between the lines of stitching. Press seams towards the darker fabrics. Trim the larger to 4-1/2" and the smaller top 2-1/2"

Now just piece that block! Make rows as shown at left, alternating pressing directions as you add pieces. Join the rows, that that's all there is to this one!

...on to  Page 2!

May 16 2001 Marcia Hohn


Traditional Block

pattern from