This makes a 12" block!

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** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **

First cut the Color 2  7" x 13" rectangle into four 3-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangles...

Then cut the Color 3  7" x 14" strip into eight 3-1/2" squares...

Place a Color 3  3-1/2" square right sides together, lined up with the upper left corner of the Color 1  6-1/2" square...
 Mark the diagonal in the direction shown above, and sew ON the diagonal line. Trim off excess seam allowance and press the remainder towards the center square. Now sew another Color 3  3-1/2" square to the opposing corner in the same manner, and then to the two adjacent corners. Square this back to 6-1/2" if needed...

Now you are ready to piece the block! Refer to the diagram at left for placement. Make rows first, and then join rows to make the block. Be sure to alternate pressing directions, to avoid those bulky seams!...on to Page 2
   Dec 1999 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block